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Cisco MDS 9200 Series Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Switching Modules
LEDs on the Generation 2 Switching Modules
Table 1-4 describes the LEDs for the 48-port, 24-port, and 12-port 4-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching
Modules and the 4-port 10-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module.
32-Port 2-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module
The 32-port 2-Gbps Fibre Channel switching module can be used to allocate bandwidth optimally. The
module is organized into eight four-port groups. Only the first port in each four-port group can be an
ISL. If the first port is an ISL, the other three ports in the group are disabled. The four ports within a port
group share a single internal channel resulting in a subscription ratio of approximately 3.2:1. The 32-port
2-Gbps switching module provides more ports at a lower price per port. Figure 1-14 shows a 32-port
switching module.
Table 1-4 LEDs for the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Generation 2 Fibre Channel Switching Modules
LED Status Description
Status Green All diagnostics pass. The module is operational
(normal initialization sequence).
Orange One of the following occurs or occurred:
• The module is booting or running diagnostics
(normal initialization sequence).
• The inlet air temperature of the system has
exceeded the maximum system operating
temperature limit (a minor environmental
warning). To ensure maximum product life, you
should immediately correct the environmental
temperature and restore the system to normal
Red One of the following occurs or occurred:
• The diagnostic test failed. The module is not
operational because a fault occurred during the
initialization sequence.
• The inlet air temperature of the system has
exceeded the safe operating temperature limits of
the card (a major environmental warning). The
card has been shut down to prevent permanent
Link Solid green Link is up.
flashing green
Link is up (traffic on port).
Solid yellow Link is disabled by software.
A fault condition exists.
Off No link.