DS71-MD4 Serial host and 56k Modem
Disconnect Timeguard
This feature ensures reliable binary data transmission by providing a one-second “Timeguard” after the
DS-Series receives the attention character. If more data is received within the delay period, the DS
treats the character as data, not an attention character; thereby preventing unwanted port disconnection.
The Default setting is Disabled.
Connect port ID Echo
When a user logs into the DS unit the port is identified in the following example:
Select option 1, to disable the echo. The Default setting is Disabled.
Select option 2 to echo the module and port number. (i.e. 3,2)
Select option 3 to echo the device name. (Device A)
Login Setup
This menu allows the user to enable or disable the Header, Access Control, Menu, Manage Users, Auto
Connect, Dial Back Number, and Assign User Ports.
Disconnect Time Guard :Disable
Enable ? (Y/N, CR for no change):
For further information check:
DS71MD4 <= Device name Port echo.
02,1 <= Module and Port Number echo.
Disable Port ID Echo ...........1
Use Module, Port Number ........2
Use Port Name ..................3
Login Setup:
Header .......................1 Enable/Disable header for each menu
Access Control ...............2 Enable/Disable Network/Serial port user name
and password.
Menu .........................3 Enable menu on startup or 5 attention Char.
Manage Users .................4 Add/Delete users and change passwords.
Auto Connect .................5 Auto connect to module and port on power-up,
Has priority over setup menu, Disables the
menu selection screen on initial login.
Dial Back Number .............6 Have the modem to dial back the user
Assign User Ports ............7 Assign users to specific ports
Exit ......................X,CR Returns to previous menu
Enter Request :