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Chapter 3 Connecting the Cisco MDS 9216 Switch
Connecting to the MGMT 10/100 Ethernet Port
Cisco MDS 9216 Switch Hardware Installation Guide
The default COM1 settings are as follows:
line Aux:
Speed: 9600 bauds
Databits: 8 bits per byte
Stopbits: 1 bit(s)
Parity: none
Modem In: Enable
Modem Init-String -
default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
Statistics: tx:17 rx:0 Register Bits:RTS|DTR
Connecting to the MGMT 10/100 Ethernet Port
Caution To prevent an IP address conflict, do not connect the MGMT 10/100 Ethernet port
to the network until the initial configuration is complete. For configuration
instructions, refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Configuration Guide.
The MGMT 10/100 Ethernet port (labeled MGMT 10/100) is autosensing and has
an RJ-45 interface (Figure 3-3 on page 3-7). You can use this port to access and
manage the switch by IP address, such as through Fabric Manager.