
Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch Installation Guide
Appendix A Power Supply Specifications
400 W AC-Input Power Supply
400 W Power Supply AC Power Cords
Table A-3 lists the specifications for the AC power cords that are available for the 400 W AC-input
power supply. The table includes references to power cord illustrations.
Note All 400 W power supply power cords have an IEC60320/C13 appliance plug at one end.
Figure A-3 CAB-ACR (Argentina) Power Cord
Table A-3 400 W AC-input Power Supply Power Cords
Locale Power Cord
Part Number
AC Source Plug Type Cordset Rating Power Cord
Argentina CAB-ACR IRAM 2073 10 A, 250 VA C Figure A-3
Australia, New Zealand CAB-ACA SAA AS 3112 10 A, 250 VA C Figure A-4
People’s Republic of China CP-PWR-CORD-CN GB16C 10 A, 250 VA C Figure A-5
Italy CAB-ACI CEI 23-16/7 10 A, 250 VA C Figure A-6
Continental Europe CAB-ACE CEE 7/7 10 A, 250 VA C Figure A-7
North America CAB-AC-125V/13A NEMA 5-15P 13 A, 125 VA C Figure A-8
North America CAB-AC-250V/13A NEMA 6-20P 13 A, 250 VA C Figure A-9
United Kingdom CAB-ACU BS 1363
1. Plug contains a 13 A fuse.
10 A, 250 VA C Figure A-10
Japan CP-PWR-CORD-JP JIS C8303 12 A, 125 VA C Figure A-11
Switzerland CAB-ACS IEC 60884-1 10 A, 250 VA C Figure A-12
Plug: IRAM 2073
Cordset rating: 10 A, 250 V
Length: 8 ft. 2 in. (2.5 m)
Connector: IEC 60320 C13