Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch
EMC Environmental Conditions for Products Installed in the European Union
For specific details about the years, revisions, and relevant amendments, refer to the applicable
declaration of conformity available at http://www.cisco.com.
The Cisco ME 6500 series Ethernet switch meets the industry EMC, safety, and environmental standards
described in Table 2.
EMC Environmental Conditions for Products Installed in the
European Union
This section applies to products to be installed in the European Economic Union.
The equipment is intended to operate under the following environmental conditions with respect
to EMC:
• A separate, defined location that is under user’s control.
• As a minimum, earthing and bonding shall meet the requirements of ETS 300 253:1995 or
CCITT K27:1996.
• AC power distribution inside the building shall be, as a minimum, one of the following types (as
defined in IEC 60364-3:1993):
In addition, if equipment is operated in a domestic environment, radio-frequency interference may occur.
Table 2 Industry EMC, Safety, and Environmental Standards
Specification Description
NEBS GR-63-Core NEBS Level 3
GR-1089-Core NEBS Level 3
ETSI ETS 300 019-1-1, Class 1.2 Storage
ETS 300 019-1-2, Class 2.3 Transportation
ETS 300 019-1-3, Class 3.2 Stationary Use