Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2)
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager
Uninstalling the Cisco MGC Node Manager Software
Uninstalling the Cisco MGC Node Manager Software
Cisco EMF must be running to uninstall Cisco MGC Node Manager. Use the following procedure to
uninstall the Cisco MGC Node Manager software:
Step 1 If Cisco MGC Node Manager is open, close it. Do not stop Cisco EMF.
Step 2 Enter the following command:
Information similar to the following will be displayed:
Cisco MNM Uninstallation
Wed Jul 10 09:56:16 AM
Step 3 When prompted, verify that you want to uninstall Cisco MGC Node Manager. The following message is
Have your databases been backed up [y/n]: [n] y
Step 4 Enter y. You cannot uninstall Cisco MGC Node Manager unless you answer y.
Step 5 When prompted, enter the log file directory location and the logfile name. The following message is
Continue with CSCOcmnm uninstall [y,n,?] y
Step 6 Enter y, and Cisco MGC Node Manager is uninstalled.
Verifying Uninstallation of Cisco MGC Node Manager
After uninstalling Cisco MGC Node Manager, you should verify the uninstallation. Use the following
procedure to verify that the Cisco MGC Node Manager package is not installed:
Step 1 Enter pkginfo CSCOcmnm.
The following message should appear:
ERROR: information for "CSCOcmnm" was not found
Step 2 Enter pkginfo | grep EM to verify that no Cisco MGC Node Manager Element Managers are installed.
The following message should appear:
ERROR: information for "CSCOcmcv" was not found
Cisco MGC Node Manager is uninstalled.