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Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Switches
Cisco Nexus 3548 and Cisco Nexus 3524 Switches
Power Supply for the Cisco Nexus 3548 Switch
The Cisco Nexus 3000 Series switch has two slots for power supplies that are initially installed with one
or two AC or DC power supplies that have forward or reverse airflow for their cooling. The switch
requires only one power supply for its operations, but you can include a second one for redundancy.
To determine which part number to use when ordering replacement power supplies, see Table 1-19.
If the chassis has two power supplies, you can hot swap one of the power supplies during operations. If
the chassis has only one power supply, you can install the new power supply in the open slot, turn on that
power supply, and then remove the original power supply during operations.
Caution You can order replacement power supplies with front-to-back airflow or back-to-front airflow. Be sure
to order the same direction of airflow as is used with the switch. If there is a black stripe across the front
of the fan trays and power supplies, the switch is running back-to-front airflow and you must order power
supplies with back-to-front airflow. If there is no black stripe across the front of these modules, the
switch is running front-to-back airflow and you must order replacement modules with front-to-back
Caution The switch must run with all of its power supply and fan tray modules taking in air from a cold aisle and
exhausting air to the hot aisle. If they take in air from a hot aisle, an overtemperature condition can occur
and the switch will shut down. If the airflow directions are mixed in the same switch, you will see an
Note Never leave a power supply slot empty. If you remove a power supply, replace it with another one. If you
do not have a replacement power supply, leave the non functioning one in place until you can replace it
or fill the slot with a filler blank module (part number N2200-P-BLNK).
For power supply specifications, see the “Power Specifications” section on page B-2. For information
about the power supply LEDs and what they indicate, see the “Power Supply Status” section on
page D-3.
Fan Tray for the Cisco Nexus 3548 Switch
The Cisco Nexus 3548 switch ships with four fans, which provide either forward or reverse airflow for
cooling. You can hot swap the fan tray during operations but must replace it within two minutes or the
switch can reach an overtemperature condition and shut down.
Ta b l e 1-19 Cisco Nexus 3548 Power Supply Part Numbers
Power Source Airflow Direction Power Supply Part Number
AC Forward N2200-PAC-400W
AC Reverse N2200-PAC-400W-B
DC Forward N2200-PDC-400W
DC Reverse N3K-PDC-350W-B