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Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardware Installation and Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Managing the Device Hardware
Reloading Modules
6 QEng1Sn3(s12) 115 105 59 Ok
6 QEng1Sn4(s13) 115 105 60 Ok
xbar-1 Outlet (s1) 125 125 35 Ok
xbar-1 Intake (s2) 60 42 30 Ok
xbar-1 Crossbar(s3) 105 95 45 Ok
xbar-2 Outlet (s1) 125 125 37 Ok
xbar-2 Intake (s2) 62 42 29 Ok
xbar-2 Crossbar(s3) 105 95 45 Ok
Power Supply:
Voltage: 50 Volts
PS Model Power Power Status
(Watts) (Amp)
1 N7K-AC-6.0KW 6000.00 120.00 Ok
2 N7K-AC-6.0KW 6000.00 120.00 Ok
3 ------------ 0.00 0.00 Absent
Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status
Requested Requested Allocated Allocated
(Watts) (Amp) (Watts) (Amp)
--- ------------------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
6 N7K-SUP1 400.00 8.00 400.00 8.00 Powered-Up
Xb1 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 60.00 1.20 60.00 1.20 Powered-Up
Xb2 N7K-C7010-FAB-1 60.00 1.20 60.00 1.20 Powered-Up
Power Usage Summary:
Power Supply redundancy mode: Redundant
Power Supply redundancy operational mode: Redundant
Total Power Capacity 6000.00 W
Power reserved for Supervisor(s) 800.00 W
Power reserved for Fan Module(s) 2002.00 W
Power reserved for Fabric Module(s) 300.00 W
Power currently used by Modules 0.00 W
Total Power Available 2898.00 W
Reloading Modules
You can reload the entire device, reset specific modules in the device, or reload the image on specific
modules in the device.
This section includes the following topics:
• Reloading the Device, page 6-22
• Power Cycling Modules, page 6-22