Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 2 Using the Web-Browser Interface
Using the Management Pages in the Web-Browser Interface
Character Restrictions in Entry Fields
You cannot use the following characters in the entry fields on the web-browser interface. This is true for
all access points using Cisco IOS software.
Trailing space
Services Displays status for several wireless device features and links to configuration
pages for Telnet/SSH, CDP, domain name server, filters, QoS, SNMP, SNTP,
and VLANs.
Management Displays a list of current guest users and provides links to configuration pages
for guest users and web authentication pages.
Software Displays the Version number of the firmware that the wireless device is
running and provides links to configuration pages for upgrading and managing
Event Log Displays the wireless device event log and provides links to configuration
pages where you can select events to be included in traps, set event severity
levels, and set notification methods.
Configuration Action Buttons
Apply Saves changes made on the page and remains on the page.
Refresh Updates status information or statistics displayed on a page.
Cancel Discards changes to the page and remains on the page.
Back Discards any changes made to the page and returns to the previous page.
Logout Exits the AP configuration web interface without saving.
Ping Pings an IPv4 or IPv6 address
Save Configuration Saves the AP’s current configuration to NVRAM.
Table 2-1 Buttons and Links on the Management Page (continued)
Button/Link Description