PA-2FE-TX and PA-2FE-FX Two-Port Fast Ethernet Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Configuring the PA-2FE
To continue your PA-2FE port adapter installation, you must configure the Fast Ethernet interfaces. The
instructions that follow apply to all supported platforms. Minor differences between the platforms—with
Cisco IOS software commands—are noted.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Using the EXEC Command Interpreter, page 4-1
• Configuring the Interfaces, page 4-2
• Checking the Configuration, page 4-9
Using the EXEC Command Interpreter
You modify the configuration of your router through the software command interpreter called the EXEC
(also called enable mode). You must enter the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter with
the enable command before you can use the configure command to configure a new interface or change
the existing configuration of an interface. The system prompts you for a password if one has been set.
The system prompt for the privileged level ends with a pound sign (#) instead of an angle bracket (>).
At the console terminal, use the following procedure to enter the privileged level:
Step 1 At the user-level EXEC prompt, enter the enable command. The EXEC prompts you for a
privileged-level password as follows:
Router> enable
Step 2 Enter the password (the password is case sensitive). For security purposes, the password is not displayed.
When you enter the correct password, the system displays the privileged-level system prompt (#):
To configure the new interfaces, proceed to the “Configuring the Interfaces” section on page 4-2.