Cisco SFS 3012R Multifabric Server Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 4 Viewing and Updating the Software Image
Updating the Software Image
b. Enter boot-config primary-image-source, and then paste the copied image file name, as shown in
the following example:
SFS-3012R# configure
SFS-3012R(config)# boot-config primary-image-source TopspinOS-2.1.0/build497
SFS-3012R(config)# exit
Step 4 Reboot the chassis using the reload command.
Note You can also use the card shutdown and card no shutdown commands to reboot an individual
module if you do not need to update the entire chassis.
SFS-3012R# reload
Step 5 Save the system configuration when prompted, and confirm that you wish to proceed with the reload, as
shown in the following example:
System configuration has been modified. Save?
[yes(default)/no/*.cfg] yes
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Step 6 Following reboot, use the show card-inventory command to view the new primary image for all cards
and verify the update.
Updating the Software Image with the Element Manager GUI
Use Element Manager to update the software image as follows:
Step 1 Launch the Element Manager GUI.
Step 2 Select Maintenance > File Management. The File Management window appears.
Note Perform steps 3 and 4 only if the .img file containing the required image is not on the controller.
This situation usually occurs when updating the entire chassis to a new software version,
although it is possible that the software version already exists on the chassis but has not yet been
installed. If you are updating a single module to bring it into line with the other modules, then
it is usually not necessary to download the .img file again, unless it has been removed from the