56 Appendix A: DMS100 Switch Datafill Example
4. ELECSPEC V35 is required when running 56K
5. L2WINDOW= 7, L3WINDOW=7, and N2=10, must be matched in
the Cisco PG
6. SVCDNA is a 1-15 digit number, and must match the X25 Remote
Address in Cisco PG
7. Additional Parameters ---These Parameters are all DMS defaults and
DO NOT have to be assigned in table MPCLINK.
(L2MODULO = MOD8) (L3MODULO = MOD8) (T1_S = 5)
(T2_S = 3) (T3_S = 25) (T4_S = 10) (T20 = 180) (T21 = 200) (T22 = 180)
(T23 = 180) (T25 = 0)
(T26 = 180) (R20 = 1) (R22 = 1) (R23 = 1) (R25 = 0)
A.3. T A B L E : S C A I C O M S
LINKSET1 X25 (MPC ( 3 3 10079132410709 0 0 0 0 SVC) (5 3
10079132410707 0 0 0 0 SVC) $) $ MN CR
1. LINKSET name is 1-16.
2. MPCNO and MPCLINKNO must match table MPCLINK.
3. REMDNA is a 1-15 digit number, and must match the X25 Local
Address in the Cisco PG
A.4. T A B L E : B G D A T A
LOCAL 624 $ (CUSTGRP CORPCTX N 486 Y 0 0) $
1. BG ID is Local and a unique number (i.e. LOCAL 624, for 1st BGID is
this DMS). This must match the Business Group ID assigned in the
Cisco PG.
2. CUSTGRP name is unique name.
3. MBG is Meridian Business Group. Set to N if this feature is not turned
4. NUMLINES is 486. Specify the number of primary directory numbers
in the customer group. (The DMS will override this field automatically
with the actual number).
5. INTRAGRP is Y. This means that this customer group is associated
with any other customer groups in this DMS. (See feature Customer
Group Family)
6. LSCFN is 0. This is a default and means that there is no Line
Screening associated with these customer group lines.