Cisco VG350 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco Double-Wide High Density Analog
Service Modules
This chapter provides information about the following Double-Wide High Denstiy Analog Service
Module (DWSM).
1. Cisco SM-D-72FXS Service Module—A 72 FXS port DWSM with 4 out of the 72 ports supporting
OPX ‘Lite’ capabilities.
2. Cisco SM-D-48FXS-E Service Module—A 48 FXS port DWSM with all 48 ports supporting OPX
Lite capabilities.
Note DWSM refers to both the Cisco SM-D-72FXS and SM-D-48FXS-E Service Module.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Double-Wide High Density Analog Service Module Overview, page 2-2
• FXO Fail-Over Bypass Ports, page 2-5
• Cisco SM-D-72FXS Service Module Specifications, page 2-6
• Cisco SM-D-48FXS-E Service Module Specifications, page 2-6
• Port Numbering Conventions, page 2-7
• Connecting to the Double-Wide High Density Service Module Ports, page 2-7
• Online Insertion and Removal, page 2-7