ACL Commands
deny (IP)
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide 54
— Specifies the abbreviated name or number of an IP protocol.
(Range: 0-255). The following table lists the protocols that can be specified:
IP Protocol Abbreviated
Internet Control Message Protocol icmp 1
Internet Group Management Protocol igmp 2
IP in IP (encapsulation) Protocol ip 4
Transmission Control Protocol tcp 6
Exterior Gateway Protocol egp 8
Interior Gateway Protocol igp 9
User Datagram Protocol udp 17
Host Monitoring Protocol hmp 20
Reliable Data Protocol rdp 27
Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol idpr 35
Ipv6 protocol ipv6 41
Routing Header for IPv6 ipv6-route 43
Fragment Header for IPv6 ipv6-frag 44
Inter-Domain Routing Protocol idrp 45
Reservation Protocol rsvp 46
General Routing Encapsulation gre 47
Encapsulating Security Payload (50) esp 50
Authentication Header ah 51
ICMP for IPv6 ipv6-icmp 58
EIGRP routing protocol eigrp 88
Open Shortest Path Protocol ospf 89
IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol ipip 94
Protocol Independent Multicast pim 103
Layer Two Tunneling Protocol l2tp 115