Cisco uBR-3x10 RF Switch Hardware Installation and Cabling Guide
Chapter 4 Cabling the RF Switch With the Cisco uBR10012 CMTS Cable Interface Line Cards
Mapping the Working and Protect Cisco uBR10-MC5X20S/U/H Line Cards RF Cables to the RF Switch
Table 4-8 RF Switch Ports and Line Card Ports for Line Card Slots 7/0 and 7/1
Cable Color
Working Line Card
Slot 7/0—Ports RF Switch—Port D
Working Line Card
Slot 7/1—Ports RF Switch—Port D
Red US0 RFS-2–3A US0 RFS-2–4A
White US1 RFS-2–3B US1 RFS-2–4B
Blue US2 RFS-2–3C US2 RFS-2–4C
Green US3 RFS-2–3D US3 RFS-2–4D
Yellow US4 RFS-2–3H US4 RFS-2–4H
Violet US5 RFS-2–3I US5 RFS-2–4I
Orange US6 RFS-2–3J US6 RFS-2–4J
Black US7 RFS-2–3K US7 RFS-2–4K
Gray US8 RFS-2–3E US8 RFS-2–4E
Brown US9 RFS-2–3L US9 RFS-2–4L
Gray US10 RFS-1–3E US10 RFS-1–4E
Brown US11 RFS-1–3L US11 RFS-1–4L
Red US12 RFS-1–3A US12 RFS-1–4A
White US13 RFS-1–3B US13 RFS-1–4B
Blue US14 RFS-1–3C US14 RFS-1–4C
Green US15 RFS-1–3D US15 RFS-1–4D
Yellow US16 RFS-1–3H US16 RFS-1–4H
Violet US17 RFS-1–3I US17 RFS-1–4I
Orange US18 RFS-1–3J US18 RFS-1–4J
Black US19 RFS-1–3K US19 RFS-1–4K
Red DS0 RFS-2–3F DS0 RFS-2–4F
White DS1 RFS-2–3M DS1 RFS-2–4M
Blue DS2 RFS-1–3G DS2 RFS-1–4G
Green DS3 RFS-1–3F DS3 RFS-1–4F
Yellow DS4 RFS-1–3M DS4 RFS-1–4M