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The changes to the switching mode are done automatically,depending on the hardware installed. No specific configuration is
necessaryon theSFM fortypicaloperation. Thecurrent switchingmodeof theswitchfabric modulecanbe monitoredthrough
the Catalyst OS command-line interface (CLI) using the show fabric channel switchmode command. Example 1 shows a
completely fabric-enabled system (all compact mode) and Example 2 shows classic and fabric-enabled line cards in an SFM
system (flow-through and truncated mode).
Example 1: Fabric-Enabled System
The following output is from a configuration with dual supervisor engines, one SFM, and a fabric-enabled line card in slot 3.
Sup2-A> (enable) show fabric channel switchmode
Module Num Fab Chan Fab Chan Switch Mode Channel Status
------ ------------ -------- ------------ --------------
1 1 0, 0 compact ok
2 1 0, 1 compact ok
3 1 0, 2 compact ok
5 18 0, 0 n/a ok
5 18 1, 1 n/a ok
5 18 2, 2 n/a ok
5 18 3, 3 n/a unknown
5 18 4, 4 n/a unknown
5 18 5, 5 n/a unknown
5 18 6, 6 n/a unknown
5 18 7, 7 n/a unknown
5 18 8, 8 n/a unknown
5 18 9, 9 n/a unknown
5 18 10, 10 n/a unknown
5 18 11, 11 n/a unknown
5 18 12, 12 n/a unknown
5 18 13, 13 n/a unknown
5 18 14, 14 n/a unknown
5 18 15, 15 n/a unknown
5 18 16, 16 n/a unknown
5 18 17, 17 n/a unknown
15 0 n/a n/a n/a
16 0 n/a n/a n/a
CLI output description for show fabric channel switchmode:
Num Fab Chan—The number of fabric channels that the module is associated with.
Fab Chan—The first number is thefabric channel number that themodule is associated with.The second numberis the fabric
channel number that the SFM is associated with.
Switch mode—Possible output is “flow through,” “truncated,” “compact.” Switch mode applies only to line cards with fabric
and bus connections.
Channel status—Possible output is “ok,” “sync error,” “CRC error,” “heartbeat error,” “buffer error,” “timeout error,” or
“unknown.” Channel status applies only to line cards with fabric and bus connections.