Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 35 Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMP
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the switch to send traps or informs
to a host:
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
snmp-server engineID remote
ip-address engineid-string
Specify the engine ID for the remote host.
Step 3
snmp-server user username
groupname {remote host [udp-port
port]} {v1 [access access-list] | v2c
[access access-list] | v3 [encrypted]
[access access-list] [auth {md5 | sha}
Configure an SNMP user to be associated w
ith the remote host created in
Step 2.
Note You cannot configure a remote user for an address without first
configuring the engine ID for the remote host. Otherwise, you
receive an error message, and the command is not executed.
Step 4
snmp-server group groupname {v1 |
v2c | v3 {auth | noauth | priv}} [read
readview] [write writeview] [notify
notifyview] [access access-list]
Configure an SNMP group.
Step 5
snmp-server host host-addr
orms | traps] [version {1 | 2c | 3
{auth | noauth | priv}}]
community-string [notification-type]
Specify the recipient of an
SNMP trap operation.
• For host-addr, specify the name or Internet address of the host (the
targeted recipient).
• (Optional) Enter informs to send SNMP informs to the host.
• (Optional) Enter traps (the default) to send SNMP traps to the host.
• (Optional) Specify the SNMP version (1, 2c, or 3). SNMPv1 does
not support informs.
• (Optional) For Version 3, select authentication level auth, noauth, or
• For community-string, when version 1 or version 2c is specified,
enter the password-like community string sent with the notification
operation. When version 3 is specified, enter the SNMPv3 username.
Note The @ symbol is used for delimiting the context information.
Avoid using the @ symbol as part of the SNMP community string
when configuring this command.
• (Optional) For notification-type, use the keywords listed in
Table 35-5 on page 35-12. If no type is specified, all notifications are