Take caution when handling the crankshaft. It is the main power transfer to the
rest of the engine. If it is out of alignment, it will cause premature failure of your
bearings which can lead to serious damage to the cylinder and the rest of the
engine. Do not try to true the crank yourself. Truing the crank should be done
Cobra trues every crank before it leaves the factory, and also welds the pin to
keep it true. If there are any problems send the engine in, or call tech support
(330) 549-9603 to determine what the problem is.
• If you split the cases, check the gear tooth faces for chapping & signs of
• Check the small needle bearings for fatigue. If the bearings are damaged,
the engine cases should be checked to make sure the needle-bearing casing
didn’t oblong the bearing hole in the case.
• Needle bearings should be replaced every racing season.
E5: Engine assembly
For any seals that are to be installed, apply a light amount of grease to the seals’
ID and a small amount of oil to the OD.
1. Press the three bearings into the respective holes in each case half.
2. Press in the crank seals such that the concave side faces the crank weights.
3. Press in the counter shaft seal (concave side faces inside of transmission)
4. Install the water pump assembly
5. Wire ring retainer
6. Press in the water pump assembly
7. Tap both ways axially then verify easy rotation
8. Press crank into left case half
9. Insert the transmission input shaft and install large drive gear as shown in
figures 6 & 7.
If the nut was removed from the input shaft, it will be easier to install and tighten