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Please pay special attention to the CAUTION symbols and statements in this manual.
CAUTION Statements identify conditions that could cause damage to the system
or other equipment.
• Theuserisresponsibleforoperatingthisproductwisely.This7700Prounitisintended
for use only as a navigational aid and should not be relied upon to the exclusion of
other information. Be aware of conditions around the vehicle and compare them to
the information provided by the 7700 Pro system.
• TheGlobalPositioningSystemisprovidedandoperatedbytheU.S.government,
which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. That system is subject to
changes, which could aect the accuracy and performance of this unit.
• Thisunitisnotwaterproof.Donotallowliquidstosplashonitnorexposeittorain
during operation or transfer from vehicle to vehicle.
• Thisunitcanbeoperatedintemperaturesbetween14°Fand140°F(-10°Cand60°C).
• The7700Pro’smapdatabaseprovidesinformationonsuggestedrouteswithout
regard to some factors that may aect the user’s driving experience. For example,
the system does not reect all road detours, closures or construction, some road
characteristics (such as road surface, slope or grade, weight or height restrictions,
etc.), weather conditions and similar factors. Use personal judgment or the navigation
system’s detour function to develop an alternate route if necessary.
• Dismounttheunitwhenparked.Thiswillnotonlyminimizethechanceoftheftbut
will also reduce the unit’s exposure to extreme temperatures and strong sunlight
which can shorten the life of the internal components.
The following items should be included in the package:
1. The 7700 Pro unit.
2. A mounting bracket with suction cup.
3. Dash mounting disk.
4. 12Vfusedpowercord.
6. This Quick Manual.
7. A warranty registration card. (Or register online at www.cobra.com)
for home or oce use. These limits are designed to provide more reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation and are more stringent than
“outdoor” requirements.
Operation of this device is subject to the following conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
NAV7700_QSG.indd 6-7 8/5/09 8:14 AM