C002332_09_CR3 User Manual - 59
Save Settings
7.1 - Reset Reader to Factory Defaults
Scan the following codes to reset reader:
Reset to USB Factory Reset to PS/2 Factory Reset to RS232 Factory
Default Settings Default Settings Default Settings
Reset to RF One Way Bootloader Mode
Factory Default Settings
Clear All CodeXML Rules Clear All Stored Data Save Settings
Prefi x & Suffi x
Note: If you scan these codes, you may lose your current settings. Make sure to save settings
on your reader before scanning the above codes.
7.2 - General Safety Information
Repairs and Adjustments - Only those individuals authorized by Code should attempt to make repairs or
adjustments to CR3 equipment. If the reader casing is opened the warranty is voided.
Power Supply - Use only the power supply provided for use with each specifi c unit when operating Code
Accessories - Only those accessories approved by Code (see pg. 9) should be utilized with Code equipment.
Non-compliance with any of the above may result in:
• Injury to individuals handling the equipment;
• Damage to the equipment; and
• Voiding of the maintenance contract.
Lasers - The CR3 utilizes a laser FOR TARGETING PURPOSES ONLY. If the laser is activated, do not stare
into the beam. See pg. i for further information regarding laser warnings.
Radio settings will
not be reset with
this code.
Radio settings will
not be reset with
this code.
Radio settings will
not be reset with
this code.
Bootloader mode is
utilized to download new
version of bootloader
fi rmware and custom