
Copyright © 2012, CognitiveTPG
CognitiveTPG™ is a trademark of CognitiveTPG, LLC. Microsoft® and Windows™ are
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All information in this document is subject to change without notice, and does not
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be reproduced for any reason or in any form, including electronic storage and retrieval,
without the expressed written permission of CognitiveTPG. All program listings in this
document are copyrighted and are the property of CognitiveTPG and are provided
without warranty.
To contact CognitiveTPG,
Write, email, or call:
950 Danby Road
Suite 200
Ithaca, NY 14850
E-Mail: marketing@cognitivetpg.com
Telephone: 607-274-2500
Toll free: 800-732-8950
Fax: 607-274-2449
Technical Support: 800-732-8950, extension 4