14 Unitary Products Group
Airflow Data
for 208 Volt - Heat Pump Models
1. Includes Return Air Filter and Largest Electric Heater.
All F*FP series air handler units are UL Listed up to 0.50" w.c. external static pressure, including air filter, wet coil, and largest KW size heater.
Blower Motor
208 Volt
CFM @ External Static Pressure - IWC
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
High 855 819 779 752 698
657 596 531 452 360
Med. 760 733 706 670 634
589 535 472 395 310
Low 585 567 545 518 486
457 405 344 257 142
High 1143 1089 1035 977 914
851 776 692 581 451
Med. 941 936 895 837 770
724 643 562 445 328
Low 770 738 702 662 612
561 495 402 300 171
High 1235 1179 1125 1058 1008
947 885 804 701 580
Med. 1080 1035 990 936 887
840 791 716 640 528
Low 954 914 873 833 774
728 666 595 515 408
High 1143 1089 1035 977 914
851 776 692 581 451
Med. 941 936 895 837 770
724 643 562 445 328
Low 770 738 702 662 612
561 495 402 300 171
High 1400 1418 1350 1278 1215
1145 1073 991 897 784
Med. 1314 1266 1197 1135 1071
1012 947 864 758 625
Low 1125 1080 1040 990 945
901 838 766 676 568
High 1418 1382 1328 1251 1179
1120 1032 927 807 661
Med-high 1238 1184 1130 1067 999
936 850 763 659 545
Med-low 1089 1044 999 945 882
829 760 663 576 480
Low 932 891 846 801 743
693 628 554 472 389
High 2209 2140 2093 2000 1939
1864 1746 1724 1655 1587
Med High 1945 1906 1871 1819 1784
1741 1667 1640 1595 1550
Med 1739 1690 1640 1602 1559
1516 1470 1431 1387 1343
Med Low 1506 1464 1415 1369 1325
1283 1238 1193 1139 1100
Low 1301 1248 1197 1151 1095
1054 1005 958 909 860
High 2134 2124 2052 1979 1861
1756 1639 1597 1512 1427
Med High 1916 1875 1838 1777 1744
1671 1594 1584 1537 1490
Med 1716 1671 1613 1569 1523
1475 1429 1384 1337 1290
Med Low 1494 1435 1390 1341 1284
1241 1194 1139 1087 1036
Low 1276 1223 1168 1115 1068
1009 965 902 847 792
High 2057 1976 1895 1814 1728
1661 1593 1517 1431 1337
Med. 1913 1818 1719 1625 1535
1437 1342 1247 1152 1057
Low 1490 1445 1395 1350 1305
1258 1194 1120 1038 946
NOTE: Air flow data shown above 0.50” W.C. external static pressure is for REFERENCE ONLY. Maximum allowable external static when electric heat is used is
limited to 0.50” W.C. Maximum allowable external static pressure may also be limited by minimum CFM requirements for proper Heat Pump operation.