• Communication Protocol: proprietary OutBack multi-drop network
• Interconnecting Cable: CAT 5 (8 IATIA 518B) PC non-crossover network cable
• Maximum Cable Length Successfully Tested: 1000 feet (300 meters) of cable in an oce/
commercial building
• PC computer interface: RS232 Opto-Isolated DB9 serial communication port
OutBack MATE Functions
Why use a MATE with your OutBack Power System FX Series Inverter/Chargers and Charge
Controllers? What exactly does it do?
A typical power system providing utility-supplied electricity requires very little from a user.
Other than ipping an occasional tripped circuit breaker back on due to an overload and
paying a monthly bill, there is little to monitor or adjust. A renewable energy (RE) system
requires more diligence and attention, including battery maintenance and setting various times
and voltages for the system to act eciently and economically.
Utility-supplied power is generated, monitored, and controlled by systems you neither see nor
maintain. An RE system requires some combination of inverter/chargers, batteries, charge
controllers, and an RE power source, oen including a generator, all of which need monitoring
and adjusting for optimum performance. e OutBack MATE provides a window to your
system and allows setting each OutBack component for its best and most ecient usage
according to your power needs and living conditions.
The MATE’s functions occur in to two general areas:
1. e display of information about or the status of dierent system components and actions
2. Enabling the user to control certain system functions, e.g., the times or the conditions
under which they will occur
RightHand Engineering LLC (Winverter soware)
19310 226th Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98077
(425) 844-1291
Intellact (WattPlot soware)
57 Mary Street, Alton, Ontario, Canada L7K 0E3
NOTE: Signal degradation can result if cable is run in conduit with AC wiring or in other
electronically “noisy” environments; these can aect the maximum length the cable can run
without incurring transmission errors.
NOTE: OutBack Power Systems does not produce or technically support any PC computer
soware programs compatible with its products. e following companies sell compatible
MATE Specications