Your garagedoor openeris programmed with self-diagnostic capabilities. The UPand DOWNarrows on the garage door openerflash
the diagnostic codes.
3-3 3 FLASHES 3 FLASHES The garagedoor BatteryLEDflashing
opener is idle and Green,charging
the battery LEDis circuit stops and
constantly flashing starts to drain
green causing battery
charging status.
4-1 4 FLASHES 1 FLASH Door is closing, Obstruction, binding
stops and reverses or sticking door
Replacethe logic board.
If your door is binding or sticking, contact a
trained door systems technician. If your
door is okay, reprogram the travel, referto
page 28. If you get this error codeafter
testing the safety reversalsystem, close the
door to reset the code.
4-2 4FLASHES 2 FLASHES The door stops Obstruction, binding
while opening for no or sticking door
apparent reason
4-3 4 FLASHES 3 FLASHES The door reverses Obstruction, binding
for no apparent or sticking door
reasonor after
touching the floor
4-4 4 FLASHES 4 FLASHES My door reverses Obstruction, binding
for no apparent or sticking door
reasonor after
touching the floor
4-5 4 FLASHES 5 FLASHES The opener runs Communication
approximately 6-8" error to travel
and stops and/or module
4-6 4 FLASHES 6 FLASHES The door reverses
for no apparent
traveling down
Safetysensors were
obstructed or
Manually open and close the door. Check
for binding or obstructions. Forfurther
information referto page 2.
If your door is binding or sticking, contact a
trained door systems technician. If your
door is okay, reprogram the travel, referto
page 28.
Manually open and close the door. Check
for binding or obstructions. Forfurther
information referto page 2.
Disconnectall power, remove cover, and
locate the travel module. Ensurethe wires
for travel module are connected, if wires are
connected, then replacethe travel module.
ReviewDiagnostic Codes1-1, 1-2, and 1-4
correct asnecessary. If problem persists
removethe sensors from the brackets and
realignthe sensors ensuring the LED'sare
steadyand not flickering. Checkfor a
temporary obstruction such asa rope
attachedto the door. Excessivevibration on
the door rails may causethe sensors to be
misaligned while the door is closing, secure
railsor re-install the sensor brackets to the
wall or floor, refer to page24.
Theseare additional troubleshooting issues that will not show up
in the diagnostic codes:
My garage door opener beeps every30 seconds:
Refer to the BatteryStatus LEDsection on page30.
My remote controlwill notactivate the door:
• Verify the Lock feature is not activated on the door control.
• Reprogramthe remote control.
• If the remote control will still not activatethe door check the
diagnostic codes to ensurethe garage door opener is working
• Ensureboth antenna wires are hanging down from the garage
door opener.
My garagedooropenerlight(s) will notturn off whenthe door
is open:
Thegarage door opener is equipped with a feature that turns the
light on when the safety reversing sensors have been obstructed
or when the motion sensor on the door control detects movement
in the garage.Thesefeaturescan be disabled using the door
control, referto the Door Control section.
My neighbor'sremote control opens my garage door:
Erasethe memory from your garagedoor opener and reprogram
the remote control(s).