You'll Need Tools
Dudng assembly, installation and adjustment of the opener, instructions will call for hand too_sshown befowo
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Uaves de caja
An unbalanced garage door might not reverse
when required and someone under the door
could be seriously injured or killed,
If your garage door binds, sticks or ts oat of
balance, call for professional garage door
service, Garage doors, door springs, cablea,
pulleys, brackets and their hardware are under
extreme tension and can cause serious inJuc¢
or death, Do not try to loosen, move or adjust
them yourselft
Ropes left on a garage door could cause
someone to become entangled and killed.
Remove all ropes connected to the door before
installing and operating the opener.
Identify the type and height of your door and any
speeia_ conditions that exist and any additional
matedais that may be required by referring to the
lists on page 4 or page 5
To avoid damage to the garage door and
opener, disable locks before installing and
ope_ttng the opener, U_ a w_d screw or nail
to ho_d locke in _he "O_n" (unlike) _sttion,
Operation at other tha_ 120V 60 Ha wiil cause
o_eer maffunct_om and damage,
Before you begin, complete the following test to
make sure your door is balanced, and }s not
sticking or binding;
- Lift the door about hatfway as shown, Re_ease the
door, _tsho@d stay in place, sup_ded entire_y by
its spdngs,
, Raise and _ower the door to see if there is any