panelof theopener.Forceadiustmentee_ings
regulatetheamountofpowerrequiredto openand
Thedoorwillstop in the up direction if &%_hing
intederes with its travel The door will reverse in the
down direction if an_hing intederes with its travel
(including binding or unbalanced doors).
if the fercJes are set too light, door travel may be
interrupted by nu,_sance reversats in the down
dire<:tion and stops in the up direclion. Weather
cond}tions can affect the door movement so
occasional adiustment may be needed.
The maximum force ad}ustment r_ge is 260 d_rees,
about 3,/4d a complete turn Do not force controls
beyond that _xsinLTurn force adjustment controts
with a screwdr ver.
A_iir_ L_L_
Too much force on the d_r wil! interfere with
the proper operation of the safety reverse
system, The door might not reverse properly
when require_ and could seriously injure or kill
someone under it. Do not increase the force
_yond the minimum amount required to dose
the d_r. Do not use the force adjustments to
compensate for a binding or sticking garage
door, Test the safety reverse system fol|owing
aH adju_ments to force levets, See page 30,
How and When to Adjust the Forces
Test the DOWN (close) force
Grasp the door bo_om when the door is about
haffway through DOWN (ctose) travel. The door
should reverse Reversal halfway through down
travel does not guarantee reversal on a two4nch
obstruction. See page 3& If the doer is hard to
hold or doesnt reverse, decrease the DOWN (close)
force by turning the control counterc!oekwise
Make 10 degree turn adiustments unti_ the door
reve_%esnormally After each adiustment, run the
opener through a complete cycle.
Test the UP (open) force
Grasp the door bottom when the door is about
halfway through UP (open) travel The door shouid
stop If the door is hard to hotd or doesn_ stop,
decrease UP (open) force by turning the control
Make 10 degree turn adjustments unti_the door stops
easily. After each adiustment, run the opener through
a Gsmp_etetravel cycle,
ff the door doesn't open at least 5 feet
increase UP (Open) force by turning the control
clockwise Make 10 degree turn adiustments untii
door opens completely. Re-adjust the UP limit if
neeessa_. After each adjustment, run the opener
through a complete travel cycle.
if the door reverses during the down (ciose) cycle
and the opener lights aren't flashing
increase DOWN (dose) force by turning the control
c!oskwise. Make 10 degree turn adjustments until the
door completes a close cycle. After each adjustment,
run the opener through a cornplete travel cycle. Do
not increase the force beyond the minimum
amount required to close the door,