Adjustment Section:
Adjustment Step 1
Adjust the UP and DOWN Limits
Do not make any i{mit adjustments until the
safety reversing sensors are completely
Limit adjustment settings regu{ate the points at
which Lhe doer will stop when moving up o_down,
The door will stQo in the up direc_on # anything
intederes with door t_avel The door wil_ reverse in
the down direction if anything intederes with the
door trave_ (including binding or unbalanced doors)_
To operate the opener, press the Wa_ Centre! push
bar, Run the opener through a complete trave_
o Does the door open and close @mpletely?
Does the door stay closed and not reverse
unintentionally when tulty closed?
/f your door passes beth of these tests, no limit
adjustments are necessaPy unless the reversing test
Adjustment procedures are outlined below° Run
the opener through a complete travel cycle afler
Repeated operat}on of the opener dur}eg
adjustment procedures may cause the motor to
overheat and shot off, Stmp}y wait 15 minutes
and t_ again°
Read the pr,_edures carefuNy before proceeding to
Adjustment Step 2 Use a screwdriver to make limit
Pages 28- 30
}mproper adjustment of the trave! Hmits will
inte_ere w}th the proper operation of the safety
reverse system_ The door m_ght not reverse
properly when required and could seriously
injure or kill someone under it, Test the safety
reverse system following aH adjustments to the
trave| HInes, See page 30.
Le_ _ Pa_i
How and When to Adjust the Limits
}f the door does not open completely
but opens at least f}ve feet
hcrease up travel Turn the UP limit adjustment
screw ciockwise. One turn equals 2" of travel
}f door d_s not open at }east 5 feet: Adjust the
UP (open) force as e×plained in Adjustment Step 2,
if the door does not close completely
hcrease obwn travel Turn the DOWN limit
adiustment screw counterclockwise One turn
equals 2" of travel
ff dc8r sfli_ won't c_ose compiete_y, try lengthening
the door arm, (Page 26,)
if you have adjusted the door a_ to the m_imum
length and the door still wil_not dose completely,
Iower the header bracket, See _nstaHatJonStep 1,
pages 1211&
If the opener reverses in folly c}os_ pos}tton
Decrease down travel Turn the DOWN _imit
adiustment screw c_ockwise One turn equals 2_of
]ifthe door reverses when dosing and
there is no vistb}e _ntederence to trave_ cycle
if the opener _ights are flashing_ the Safety Reversing
Sensor is obstru_ed Remove the obstrue_en
Test the door for binding: Pull the emergency re}ea_
handle Manually open and c_ose the door, If the door
is binding, call fer garage door service ff the dr_r is
not binding or unbalanced, adjust the DOWN (close)
force. See Adjustment Step 2.