Installation Step 6
Install the Premium Control Console
Locate the door control within sight of the door
at a minimum height of 5 feet where small
children cannot reach, and away from all moving
aarts of the door and door hardware.
The door control is typically attached directly to the
wall. If installing into drywall, drill 5/32" holes and
use the anchors provided. For pre-wired installations
(as in new home construction), Console models
may be mounted to a standard single gang box
(Figure 2).
1. Strip 1/4" of insulation from one end of the bell
wire and connect it to the two screw terminals on
the back of the door control: white to 2, and
white/red to 1.
2. Pry off cover along one side with a screwdriver
blade (see Figure 1). Fasten with 6ABx1-1/4" self-
tapping screws (standard installation) or 6-32xl"
machine screws (pre-wired installation) as
• Install bottom screw, allowing 1/8" to protrude
above wall surface.
• Position bottom of door control on screw head
and slide down to secure. Adjust screw for snug
• Drill and install top screw with care to avoid
cracking plastic housing. Do not overtighten.
• Insert top tabs and snap on cover.
3. (For standard installation only) Run the bell wire
up the wall and across the ceiling to the opener.
Use insulated staples to secure the wire in
several places. Be careful not to pierce the wire
with a staple, creating a short.
4. Connect the bell wire to the terminal screws on
the opener panel: white to 2; white/red to 1.
5. Position the antenna wire as shown.
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Do not connect to live electrical wiring,
Connect only to 24 Volt low voltage wires.
Connection to live wires or higher voltage may
cause serious injury from shock, burn or
Children operating or playing with a garage
door opener can injure themselves or others.
The garage door could close and cause
serious injury or death.
Install the door control (or any additional push
buttons) out of the reach of children and away
from all moving parts of the door and door
hardware, but where the garage door is visible.
Do not allow children to operate the push
button(s) or the remote control(s).
A moving garage door could injure someone
under it, Activate the opener only when the
door is properly adjusted, you can see it clearly,
and there are no obstructions to door travel.
Hardware Shown Actual Size
llldlblddfillll II mlm]>
6AB x 1-1/4" Screw insulated
Control Console (std Installation) Staples
Control Console (pre-wlred) Dry Wall Anchors
Figure I Figure 2
TOReplace,TopFirstInsertTaps • _ _ _• ToRemove, /__TwistHere _*"
__ 2-Conductor
Bell Wire
Bell Wire Terminal Screws
Lighted Mounting
Push Button Hole