Assembly Step 2
Install the Trolley on the T_ra#
- Attach the threaded sha_ to the trotley wi_ the
I_xckwasher and nuts as shown
Hardware Shown
Actua_ Size
L¢_k W_;_t Nut
_'16" _1_ _ ,,18
As a tem_rary stop. insed a screwdnver into the
hole in the front end d the %rait.
Slide the trolley assembly _ong the rail to the
screwdriver stop
if trolley hits against any nuts on the T_rai_,the
bolts and Ruts were attached from the wrong
side and must _ reposittoned. Review Step 1.
Assembly Step 3
Fasten the T-rail to the Opener
Place the opener on packing material to protect
the cover. For coevenience, pat a support under
the came pui_ey brackeL
Remove the (2) 5/I6_18×1/2 _ washered _rews
mounted in the top d the opener_
- Atign the holes in the back seGion of the %r'ai_with
the holes in the opener.
* Fasten the rail with _e (2) washer_J screws
previously remove& Tighten securely.
Remember to use only these screwsf Any other
screws wil! cause serious damage to the opener.
lnse_ a 5/16"-18x7/8" hex screw
stop hole in the T.-rail as shown. Tighten securely
with a 5116_lock washer and nuL This screw limits
trolley travel in the UP direction.
To fasten rail, use only those screws mounted
in the top of the opener. Any other screws will
cause serious damage to the opener.
Was_e_e_J _¢ew
Hardware Shown Actual Size
Hex _tew Nut L¢_ Wa#_e_