
Saw does not start. 1, Motorcord or control-cutcord is 1, Plug incord.
not pluggedin,
2. Cord or switchis damaged. 2. Have the cord or switchre-
placed at yournearest Sears
Service Center.
3. Circuit fuse isblown.
3. Replace circuitfuse.
4. Circuitbreaker istripped.
4. Reset circuitbreaker.
5. Switch is burned out.
5. Have the switchreplaced and
requesta voltage check from
the power company.
6. Connections are loose, burned
out,or damaged.
6. Have the wiringchecked and
repaired. Requestvoltage check
from powercompany.
Motor does not reach full speed or 1. Voltage from soume is low.
1. Request a voltagecheck from
the power company.
2. Circuitis overloaded withother
appliances or motors.
2. Test without any othermotors
and on different circuit.
3. Motor windings are burned out.
3. Have the windings replacedand
request a voltagecheck from
the power company.
4. Fuses or circuitbreakers are
wrong size.
4. Have an electrician replacewith
a 15 amp fuse or circuitbreaker.
5. Extensioncordis too long.
5. Use a shortercord.
6. Starter switchisdefective.
6. Have the switchreplaced.
Motor stalls, blows fuses, or trips
1. Starter switchisdefective.
2. Voltage from sourceis low.
1. Have the switchreplaced.
2. Request a voltage checkfrom
the powercompany.
3. Fuses or circuitbreakers are
wrong size or defective.
3. Have an electricianreplace with
a 15 amp fuse or circuitbreaker.
Motor overheats.
1. Motor isoverloaded.
1. Request a voltage checkfrom
the powercompany.
2. Windingsare burned out. 2. Have the windings replaced and
requesta voltage checkfrom
the powercompany.
3. Work is beingfed too fast.
3. Feed work slower.
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