Applications: Basic Stereo Operation:
This setup shows one way of using the mixer and two stereo power amplifiers to run the system. By using both Aux 1 and 2
for monitor sends, a separate monitor mix can be had for each of two sets of monitor speakers.
Connect the components as follows:
(A) Connect a balanced or unbalanced signal cable between the mixer’s Left Balanced Output and the house power ampli-
fier’s Channel 1 Input. Connect the Right Balanced Output and the Channel 2 input in the same manner.
(B) Connect a speaker cable between the house power amplifier’s Channel 1 Outputs and the left house speakers’ Inputs.
Connect the Channel 2 Outputs to the right house speaker in the same manner.
(C) Connect an unbalanced signal cable between the mixer’s Aux 1 Send and the monitor power amplifier’s Channel 1
Input. Connect the Aux 2 Send to the Channel 2 input in the same manner.
(D) Connect a speaker cable between the monitor power amplifier’s Channel 1 Outputs and one set of monitor speakers’
Inputs. Connect the Channel 2 Outputs to the other set of monitors in the same manner.
(Note the optional use of graphic equalizers in-line with the connections between the mixer and the power amplifiers as shown below.)
Controlling The Mixer’s Output Levels:
• Monitors: Use the Aux 1 master slider (#30, page 6) to set the level of the output signal for one set of monitors and the
Aux 2 Send Level (#24, page 6) to set the level of the output signal for the other set of monitors.
• Mains (House Speakers): Use the Left and Right master sliders (#31, page 6) to set the levels of the output signals for the
house speakers.
• Channels: Use the channel Pan controls (#11, page 4) to adjust the level of the signal sent to the left or right outputs. Use
the Aux 1 and Aux 2 controls (#9, page 4) to adjust the mix of the signals sent to the monitors.