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CE Series Power Amplifiers
Operation Manual
1 Welcome
CE Series amplifiers provide profes-
sional audio amplification for a wide range of
applications, including digital cinema. The
amplifiers are very affordable, and feature front-
panel controls for easy setup and use. They can
be removed for security.
Modern power amplifiers are sophisticated
pieces of engineering capable of producing
extremely high power levels. They must be
treated with respect and correctly installed if
they are to provide the many years of reliable
service for which they were designed.
In addition, CE Series amplifiers include a
number of features which require some expla-
nation before they can be used to their maxi-
mum advantage.
Please take the time to study this manual so
that you can obtain the best possible service
from your amplifier.
1.1 Features
• Accurate, undistorted sound.
• Bridge-mono/stereo mode switch allows
you to set up your amps/speakers in the
configuration that best suits your needs.
• Versatile; handles a wide range of speaker
impedances and outputs.
• Advanced protection circuitry guards
against shorted outputs, open circuits, DC,
mismatched loads, general overheating,
high-frequency overloads and internal
• Genuine Neutrik
• Choice of 1/4-inch, XLR or barrier strip
• Removable front-panel level control
• Selectable input sensitivity.
• Proportional-speed fan optimizes cooling
• Can be mounted in EIA standard 19-in.
(48.3-cm) rack, shallow 14-in. (35.5) rack,
or stacked on top of each other.
• Three Year, No-Fault, Fully-Transferable
Warranty completely protects your invest-
ment and guarantees its specifications.
• Crown’s advance-replacement Profit Pro-
tection Plan provides quick, no-questions-
asked replacement of covered amps.
1.2 How to Use This Manual
This manual provides you with the necessary
information to safely and correctly setup and
operate your amplifier. It does not cover every
aspect of installation, setup or operation that
might occur under every condition. For addi-
tional information, please consult Crown’s
Amplifier Application Guide (available online at
www.crownaudio.com), Crown Technical Sup-
port, your system installer or retailer.
We strongly recommend you read all instruc-
tions, warnings and cautions contained in this
manual. Also, for your protection, please send
in your warranty registration card today. And
save your bill of sale — it’s your official proof
of purchase.