The fuse inherently protects the power supplies against
overload. The AC line for 100,
is fused with a 1 OA
250V type A6 fuse (on 200, 220,
5A type MTH
The use of any other size fuse will invalidate the
Never change fuses with power applied!
On each heat sink (see Fig. 2-2) is mounted a thermal
switch which protects the amplifier against insufficient
ventilation. If either heat sink becomes too hot, the AC
line power will be interrupted until the temperature falls
to a safe level, whereupon power will be automatically
restored. When such an event occurs, the external
symptoms are: no indication of AC power (by the pilot),
and a warm front panel.
All of the amplifier’s voltage-amplifier circuitry is de-
signed to be inherently current-limited. Thereby, if any
of the devices should fail, (which is extremely unlikely),
no damage will occur to the rest of the stages.
The input stage is protected against overdrive damage
by a series limiting resistor should the input signal level
ever become very excessive.
The amplifier features a controlled slewing-rate which,
coupled with the SPACE controller, protects the ampli-
fier from blowups when fed large RF input signals.
The following are a number of operating precautions
given as an aid to understanding proper and improper
amplifier usage:
1. Use care in making connections, selecting signal