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K Series Power Amplifiers
Operation Manual
4.2 Front Panel Controls and
Figure 4.1 below points out the controls, indi-
cators and connectors on the front panel of the
K Series amplifiers. The K1 and K2 look identi-
cal except for product nameplates and fuse
A. Level Controls
The Level controls, one per channel, adjust the
input attenuation from 0 dB to 100 dB.
B. Indicators
Figure 4.2 shows a close-up view of the indica-
tor LEDs (4 per channel).
TLC: The TLC (thermal level control) indicators
turn on with a dim glow a little before the
amplifier needs help dissipating heat. This
forewarning gives you a chance to turn on a fan
or other auxiliary cooling (if available), or turn
down the level controls of the amplifier. If you
do neither, the amplifier will automatically
begin to protect itself with its TLC protection
system by subtly and dynamically reducing the
gain as needed. The TLC indicators gradually
turn brighter as the TLC protection becomes
Clip: Turns on when distortion becomes audi-
ble in the amplifier output.
IOC: The yellow Input /Output Comparator
indicators turn on when distortion reaches
0.05%, which is well before the distortion is
Signal: The green Signal indicators flash
dimly when a very low-level signal (as low as
10 mW) is present in the output. They flash
brightly when a louder signal (at least 1 watt) is
present at the output.
C. Enable Indicator
The green Enable indicator turns on when the
amplifier has been turned on and has power.
When first turned on, there will be a
2-second delay while the amplifier performs a
quick start-up test. Then the Enable indicator
will turn on to its full brightness. If no signal is
present, the Enable indicator will switch to a
dimmer green.
D.Power Switch
Amplifier is on when the top half of the switch
is depressed.
Figure 4.1 Front and Back Panel Controls, Indicators and Connectors
4 Operation
Figure 4.2 Front Panel Indicators