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Macro-Tech MA-24X6 & 36X12 Power Amplifiers
Operation Manual
1 Welcome
Congratulations on your purchase of a Macro-
dual level professional power amplifier.
Your amplifier has a separate high-power and
medium-power channel, making it ideal for
biamplified systems. The Macro-Tech 24x6
combines one channel of a Macro-Tech 2400
with one channel of a Macro-Tech 600. The
Macro-Tech 36x12 combines one channel of a
Macro-Tech 3600VZ with one channel of a
Macro-Tech 1200. And because each model
has a separate power supply for each channel,
each channel can be treated as a separate
power amplifier.
Because it’s a Macro-Tech, you have the added
benefit of PIP ™ compatibility for access to
custom input modules and ODEP
to keep the show going long after other amplifi-
ers would fail.
Modern power amplifiers are sophisticated
pieces of engineering capable of producing
extremely high power levels. They must be
treated with respect and correctly installed if
they are to provide the many years of reliable
service for which they were designed.
In addition, MA-24X6 and MA-36X12 amplifi-
ers include a number of features which require
some explanation before they can be used to
their maximum advantage.
Please take the time to study this manual so
that you can obtain the best possible service
from your amplifier.
1.1 Features
•Crown’s Grounded Bridge™ design deliv-
ers incredible voltage swings without
using stressful output transistor configura-
tions like conventional amplifiers. The
results are lower distortion and superior
• Patented ODEP (Output Device Emulation
Protection) circuitry compensates for
overheating and overload to keep the
amplifier working long after others would
(Input/Output Comparator) circuitry
immediately alerts of any distortion
exceeding 0.05%, providing dynamic
proof of distortion-free performance.
• PIP connector accepts accessories that tai-
lor the amplifier to suit specific applica-
• Very low harmonic and intermodulation
distortion give the best dynamic transfer
function in the industry.
• High damping factor provides superior
control over low frequency drivers for a
clean, accurate low end.
• Full protection against shorted outputs,
open circuits, DC, mismatched loads, gen-
eral overheating, high frequency overloads
and internal faults.
• Extra rugged, extruded aluminum front
panel with ODEP and Signal Presence/IOC
indicators for each channel, as well as an
Enable indicator.
• Macro-Tech 36x12: Articulated VZ power
supply for Channel 1 (3600) provides the
best power matching to your load.
• Efficient heat sinks and forced air cooling
prevent overheating and prolong compo-
nent life.
• Balanced inputs with three-position sensi-
tivity switch and adjustable front panel
level controls.
• 5-way binding post outputs provide versa-
tile connection.
• Mounts in a standard 19-inch (48.3-cm)
equipment rack (units can also be
• Three Year “No-Fault” Full Warranty com-
pletely protects your investment and guar-
antees its specifications.
1.2 How to Use This Manual
This manual provides you with the necessary
information to safely and correctly setup and
operate your amplifier. It does not cover every
aspect of installation, setup or operation that
might occur under every condition. For addi-
tional information, please consult Crown’s
Amplifier Application Guide (available online at
www.crownaudio.com), Crown Tech Support,
your system installer or retailer.
We strongly recommend you read all instruc-
tions, warnings and cautions contained in this
manual. Also, for your protection, please send
in your warranty registration card today. And
save your bill of sale—it’s your official proof of