
Power-Tech .1 Series Power Amplifiers
page 4 Operation Manual
1 Welcome
Congratulations on purchasing a Crown
Power-Tech.1 Series amplifier. Power-Tech .1
Series amplifiers are compact, professional
power amplifiers engineered to meet the most
demanding sound reinforcement needs. They
compare very favorably to more expensive
amplifiers, providing uncolored sound and sig-
nal-to-noise ratios commonly associated with
recording studios.
Modern power amplifiers are sophisticated
pieces of engineering capable of producing
extremely high power levels. They must be
treated with respect and correctly installed if
they are to provide the many years of reliable
service for which they were designed.
In addition, the Power-Tech .1 Series amplifiers
include a number of features which require
some explanation before they can be used to
their maximum advantage.
Please take the time to study this manual so
that you can obtain the best possible service
from your amplifier.
1.1 Features
The patented ODEP
circuitry and
Grounded Bridge
design combine to pro-
vide performance and reliability that sur-
pass all traditional designs.
Safe with any load. Bridge-Mono and
Parallel-Mono modes make it easy to opti-
mize the amplifier’s performance for a wide
range of loads.
Complete protection against shorted out-
puts, mismatched loads, overheating,
input/output DC and high-frequency over-
load; full internal fault protection.
Balanced phone jack inputs in parallel with
XLR input connectors. Barrier block input
connectors are optional.
Backed by the industry’s ONLY three-year,
no-fault, fully transferable and extendable
2 How to Use This
This manual provides you with the necessary
information to safely and correctly set up and
operate your amplifier. It does not cover every
aspect of installation, setup or operation that
might occur under every condition. For addi-
tional information, please consult Crown’s
Amplifier Application Guide (available online at
www.crownaudio.com), Crown Technical
Support, your system installer or retailer.
We strongly recommend you read all instruc-
tions, warnings and cautions contained in this
manual. Also, for your protection, please send
in your warranty registration card today. And
save your bill of sale—it’s your official proof of