International Cub Cadet 1250, 1450, and 1650 Tractors
CAUTION! To avoid injury or possible
accident, be very careful and take nec-
essary precautions when raising tractor
off the ground.
To adjust the brake, loosen jam nut "B". Next,
tighten the brake lever adjusting screw "c" until
finger tight (8 -1 a-inch pounds). Tighten jam nut
"B" while holding the adjusting screw.
If the brake drags after tightening jam nut "B",
loosen the jam nut and back off adjusting screw
"c" slightly and retighten jam nut "B". Recheck
brake adjustment and insure proper brake opera-
tion before operating the tractor.
Remember -A careful oper-
ator is the best insurance against an
When your tractor is not to be used for some time,
it should be stored in a dry and protected place.
Leaving your tractor out-doors, exposed to the
elements materially shortens its life.
Drain the fuel tank and run the engine until the
fuel is exhausted from the fuel system.
NOTE: Gum will eventually form in the fuel tank,
line, and carburetor if the fuel system is notdrained.
Follow the procedure outlined below when storing
a tractor for an extended period of time.
1. Wash or clean and completely lubricate the
tractor. See the "lubrication Guide".
5. After the engine has cooled, remove the spark
plug and pour two tablespoonsful of a rust
inhibited oil such as Hy- Tran@ or I H No.1 @
engine oil into the cylinder. Crank engine slowly to
distribute the oil over the cylinder walls. Then
replace spark plug.
2. Store the tractor so the tires are protected from
sunlight. Before storing the tractor, clean the tire$thoroughly.
Jack up the tractor so the load is off
the tires when it is to be out of service for a long
period. If not jacked up, inflate the tires at regularintervals.
Clean the exterior of the engine.
If tractor is jacked up or
placed on blocks, be sure it is done so it
cannot be tipped over or fall on
7. Remove the battery and place it in a cool, dry
place above (+320 F.). Check battery at least once
a month for electrolyte level and amount ofcharge.
See page 21.
3. Run the engine long enough to thoroughly vI/arm
the oil in the crankcase and then drain the oil.
Refill the crankcase with fresh oil as specified in
the "Lubrication Table" and run the engine for
about five minutes.
8. On all gear driven I nternational Cub Cadet
Tractors press clutch and brake pedal all the way
down and engage the brake pedal lock. This will
prevent clutch lining from sticking to pressure