
plug upward so that the hooks
engage the deflector hinge rod
(See Figure 54).
4. Push the mulching plug fully
downward and lower the chute
5. To remove the mulching plug,
raise the chute deflector and lift
the mulching plug upward, then
outward to disengage from the
deck. Lower the chute deflector.
Figure 54
Mulching Operation
1. Do not cut wet grass. For
effective mulching do not cut wet
grass. Wet grass sticks to the
underside of the deck, preventing
proper mulching and dispersal of
grass clippings.
2. Cut no more than 1/3 the length
of the grass. When mulching
long grass, it may be necessary
to mow twice, lowering the deck
another 1/3 of the length for the
second cut, and perhaps cutting
in a different pattern. Overlap the
cut on each pass to help clean up
any heavy clippings left on the
3. Use a slow ground speed.
Adjust ground speed so clippings
can be evenly dispersed into the
lawn. When cutting heavy grass,
it may be necessary to use a
slower ground speed in order to
get a well mulched cut.
4. Always operate the tractor at
full throttle. To obtain the best
cut and do the most effective job
of mulching, the engine should be
run at full throttle.
5. Clean underside of deck. Be
certain to clean the underside of
the deck often to avoid a buildup
of grass clippings, which will pre-
vent proper mulching.
Chute Deflector
Chute Deflector
Hinge Rod
Deflector Hinge Rod
Lower Edge of
Chute Opening