The tractor brakes are adjusted at the factory and
should experience minimal wear if the tractor is
operated normally. However, all brake pads are
subject to wear and at some point the brake linkage
may have to be adjusted.
Check the brakes as follows:
• Place the tractor on a level surface. Stop the
tractor engine.
• From beneath the RH running board, remove
the internal cotter pin to disengage the brake
rod ferrule from the brake pedal. Position the
brake rod to make certain there is no pull on
the brake actuator arm. See Figure 32.
• From the rear of the tractor, use a feeler gauge
to measure the gap between the outer brake
puck and the brake disc. The gap should mea-
sure between .012 and .015". See Figure 32.
• If the gap is greater than .015", tighten the hex
nut on the brake assembly until the gap is
within the tolerance.
• Position the ferrule to align with the hole in the
brake pedal. If the ferrule does not align with
the hole, loosen the jam nut by turning it away
from the ferrule
• Adjust the ferrule on the brake rod to align with
the brake pedal hole, then tighten the jam nut
against the ferrule.
• Insert the ferrule in the brake pedal and secure
with the internal cotter pin.
• Repeat the previous steps to check and, if
necessary, adjust the LH brake assembly.
Figure 32