
Ballast for your tractor includes front-end weights, rear wheel weights and
liquid ballast in the rear tires. Front-end weights improve the steering
characteristic when heavy hitch loads cause a movement of tractor weight
from the front to the rear wheels. Rear wheel weights and adding liquid to
the rear tires increase traction by putting weight on the driving wheels.
IMPORTANT: The Maximum operating weight of tractor should not exceed
the following values. The operating weight of tractor includes the weight of
tractor, ballast weight and implement.
Front Axle 1350kg (2977 lbs)
Rear Axle 1350kg (2977 lbs)
Total 2200kg (4851 lbs)
Front End Weights
Front-end weights can be mounted on the front-end bracket of the tractor
with locking bolts and nuts. The weights, locking bolts and nuts are available
from your Dealer. A maximum of six weights at 22 kg (49 lbs) each can be
installed, depending on implement application and soil conditions.
Use front-end weights as needed to provide effective steering control and
front end stability and to achieve maximum operating efficiency and tractor
filed performance. Refer to the weight table in this section for optional
methods of adding weight to the tractor.