Off-Season Storage
Before storing the machine for an extended period:
• Refer to the Maintenance Schedule earlier in this section
and perform all items in the Prior to Storing column.
• Clean the exterior surfaces of the tractor.
• Service the engine as instructed in the seperate engine
• Engines stored between 30 and 90 days need to be treated
with a gasoline stabilizer such as STA-BIL® and engines
stored over 90 days need to be drained of fuel to prevent
deterioration and gum from forming in fuel system or on
essential carburetor parts. If the gasoline in your engine
deteriorates during storage, you may need to have the
carburetor, and other fuel system components, serviced or
WARNING: Drain fuel only into anapproved
container outdoors, away from an open flame. Allow
engine to cool. Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipes,
and other sources of ignition prior to draining fuel.
• Store the tractor in a clean, dry place.
WARNING: Never store the machine or fuel
container indoors where there is an open flame,
spark or pilot light such as on water heater, furnace,
clothes dryer or other gas appliance.
Steering Adjustment
If the tractor turns tighter in one direction than the other, or if
the ball joints are being replaced due to damage or wear, the
steering drag links may need to be adjusted.
Adjust the drag links so that equal lengths of each are threaded
into the ball joint on the left side and the ball joint on the right
1. Remove the hex nut below the ball joint. See Figure 6-6.
Hex Nut
Drag Link
Ball Joint
Figure 6-6
2. Thread the ball joint inward to shorten the drag link.
Thread the ball joint outward to lengthen the drag link.
3. Replace the hex nut after proper adjustment is achieved.
NOTE: Threading the ball joints too far onto the drag links
will cause the front tires to “toe-in” too far. Proper toe-in is
between ⁄” and ⁄”.
4. Front tire toe-in can be measured as follows:
a. Place the steering wheel in position for straight
ahead travel.
b. In front of the axle, measure the distance
horizontally from the inside of the left rim to the
inside of the right rim. Note the distance.
c. Behind the axle, measure the distance horizontally
from the inside of the left rim to the inside of the
right rim. Note the distance.
NOTE: The measurement taken in front of the axle should
be between ⁄” and ⁄” less than the measurement taken
behind the axle.
23Section 6 — Maintenance & adjuStMentS