Add the espresso to the steeped milk. Over a
medium-low heat, gradually bring to a boil.
While the milk/espresso mixture is heating,
slowly whisk the sugar and salt into the yolks.
Beat together until the mixture is light and
Once the milk/espresso mixture has reached a
boil, slowly whisk ⁄
of it into the yolk mixture.
Return the combined mixture to the remaining
milk/espresso in the saucepan. Over a
medium-low heat, stirring constantly in a
figure-eight rotation with a wooden spoon,
heat the mixture until it coats the back of a
spoon, about 4 minutes. This mixture must
NOT boil or the eggs will overcook.
Strain into a container and cool to room
temperature. Cover; refrigerate for 2 to 3
hours, or overnight.
Once properly chilled, process in a Cuisinart
Ice Cream Maker according to the unit’s
Makes 12 servings
4 scoops finely ground espresso
or 4 espresso pods
3 large eggs
¾ cup granulated sugar, divided
1 (8-ounce) container mascarpone
½ cup chilled heavy cream
1 teaspoon water
¼ teaspoon of salt
2 cups brewed espresso, cooled
2 tablespoons dark rum (optional)
24 Savoiardi (crisp Italian ladyfingers)
¼ teaspoon shaved bittersweet
chocolate, or unsweetened cocoa
powder (for garnish)
Press the power button of the Cuisinart
Espresso Maker to turn the machine on. The
lights around the power, manual, single
double espresso buttons will
illuminate and when they stop blinking, the
machine has been warmed and is ready to
Place the two-cup filter basket in the
portafilter holder. Spoon the espresso grounds
into the basket. Using the tamping tool, press
down the grounds with moderate pressure
and clean any excess from the rim. Secure the
portafilter holder in place.
Place a cup underneath the brew head and
press the
button. Espresso will begin to
brew and will stop when 6 ounces have been
brewed. Reserve.
Whisk together yolks and ½ cup sugar in a
large bowl over a simmering pot of water.
Whisk in Marsala. Continue whisking until the
mixture is thick and pale and warm to the
With a Cuisinart
Hand Mixer with the beaters
attached and using the lowest speed, beat in
the mascarpone cheese, until just combined.
Using the whisk attachment of the hand mixer,
beat the cream to a soft peak. Gently fold in
the whipped cream to the mascarpone
mixture until just combined, but still streaky.
In another bowl, beat the egg whites, salt, and
water, with a cleaned whisk attachment on the
hand mixer, to a soft peak. While still beating,
gradually add the remaining sugar and beat to
a medium-stiff peak. Gently fold the meringue
into the mascarpone/cream mixture.
In a shallow bowl, mix the espresso and rum.
Dip 1 ladyfinger in, soaking each side for
a few seconds, and transfer to an 8-inch
(2-quart) glass baking dish. Repeat with 11
more and arrange in the bottom of the dish,
trimming if necessary to cover the entire
surface. It should be a tight fit. Spread half of
the mascarpone/meringue mixture over the
soaked ladyfingers. Make another layer of
ladyfingers and spread an even layer of the
remaining mascarpone mixture on top. Cover
with plastic wrap and chill for at least 6 hours.
Before serving, sprinkle with the shaved