How the room affects the sound
Every room has its own distinctive acoustics, which in uence the way we
experience the sound from a speaker. In actual fact, it's a matter of how
the room accommodates the sound and then dampens it. You can in u-
ence the acoustics of your listening room in various ways.
Some of the sound you hear does not come directly from the actual
speakers but are re ections from oor, ceiling and walls. These re ec-
tions can be dampened by objects such as furniture, plants and carpets.
If the sound is bright, adding soft items such as curtains and carpets can
help. If the room has large window panes, drawing the curtains will pre-
vent re ections from the glass surfaces.
Both the amount and quality of the deep bass depend on the size and
shape of the room, and the position of the speakers. If positioned near
a side or back wall, this will accentuate the bass. A corner location will
accentuate it even more, but will also increase the re ections. The deci-
sion is yours, so experiment with different positions to nd which pro-
vides the ideal sound for you.
As a general guide, avoid large, hard re ective surfaces immediately
around the speakers, as these will act like an eccho effect and weaken
the spatial perspective of the sound image. Try placing a tapestry behind
the speakers, laying a rug in front or placing a large plant at the side - it's
surprising how much this can affect the precision of the sound image.
How the room
affects the sound
When you are satis ed with the location
of the speaker, it is important to ensure
that the speaker does not tilt or is unstable
in any other way. For the oor-standing
models, it is very important that they are
mounted with the enclosed spikes. The
rear speaker, RS3, must be hung carefully
using the enclosed tting, which should
be mounted with materials suitable for
the wall.