
As a complete series, Suite also offers two rear and side speakers that are
perfectly matched to the other Suite models, in sound as well as style. They
are both made for use as rear speakers in 5.1 systems and as side and rear
speakers in 7.1 systems. Extreme  exibility is assured by two means: the
various wall-mount suspension  ttings on the rear panel and the controlled-
directivity sound dispersion. This means that even if you deem it necessary to
hang the rear channels below ear height, you just turn them upside down, and
the signal aims straight for your ears. They come in mirrored pairs.
With the R0.7 equipped with the exact same 5” woofer/midrange and 1” soft
dome tweeter as the Suite 1.7 – and the R0.8 equipped with the exact same
6.5” woofer/midrange and 1” soft dome tweeter as the Suite 2.8 the voice
match is as perfect as the convergence in design.
Elegant to look at or impressive to listen to? This is a con ict that you often
encounter when trying to decide which loudspeakers to choose for your
surround system or hi- . DALI® has developed the New Suite series to bridge
that gulf. These speakers are very elegant and functional at the same time.
And, they are designed to be undemanding when positioned in your home.
Under that tasty exterior with its lush, Golden Cherry or Silver  nish, a wealth
of special DALI® solutions all contribute to make the Suite series much more
than meets the eye. Just take a glance at those seductively curved side panels.
These surely add to the good looks of the speakers, but beneath the surface
lies an extremely advanced process that actively increases sound quality.
The basics of this system were developed for our high end Euphonia line. A
system of grooves run vertically like a comb along the insides. These machined
structures are the key element behind the subsequent shaping of the side
panels, but they also serve to break up resonance modes inside the cabinet.
But there is more...much more.
The drive units of the Suite series are all in compliance with the "Low Loss"
and "Low Mass" principles, pioneered by DALI®. All parts of the drive units
including the membranes are built to avoid braking or damping effects and
the result is a wealth of information that often disappears in conventional
speakers. This makes listening at low levels much more interesting, but,
surprising as it may seem, also at loud levels.
An often ignored problem with loudspeakers is the "sweet spot" curse. It is
a certi able fact that many loudspeakers are very, very critical when you sit
down in front of them and listen. Only at one exact point do they offer truly
convincing results. Not so with DALI® Suite. We have made sure that you and
your guests can all enjoy  ne sound. This is not a coincidence, but the result of
our "Linear Directivity" principle, which lets you hear an essentially unchanged
balance from both speakers even if you are not seated exactly in the middle.
Furthermore, the speaker does not change its sound very much even if you
move it to a different position in the room. This is because sound re ected
from walls and  oor is very similar to the direct sound from the speaker, so the
perceived balance is maintained even when surroundings change.
If you have ever wanted to immerse yourself in 3-D sound, surround is perfectly
suited. But even with stereo sources, 3-D sound is possible IF the timing
aspect is done correctly. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that the
time aspects are not lost in the Suite speakers, and you can hear this by paying
attention to the way a Suite speaker reproduces space. And also, transients,
sudden bursts of energy, are more dramatic when timing is spot on.
Low mass - low loss coated paper
The gold plated multi-functional
binding posts.
The 1" soft dome tweeter. The stylish black base has counter-
sunk threads for easy  tting of the
spikes included.
These are the main speakers in the Suite series. Both are  oorstanding designs,
admirably suited as front speakers in a surround system or as stereo pairs. The
tasteful exterior belies the impressive sound that emerges from these very
capable performers.
The 1.7 features twin 5" woofer/midranges and a 1" soft dome tweeter.
The bass re ex port is situated on the front panel, permitting the speaker to
be placed  ush against a wall. A welcome option for a stylish loudspeaker,
whose owner would probably feel uncomfortable if restricted by technical
considerations in decorating a room. The binding posts on the rear permit
bi-wiring, and they are connected directly to the crossover network inside for
minimum loss of information. The stylish black base has countersunk threads
for easy  tting of the spikes included.
The 2.8 has twin 6.5" woofer/midranges and a 1" soft dome tweeter. The
bigger woofers and the larger enclosure result in higher ef ciency and the
power to move more air, making the 2.8 the obvious choice for large rooms
or high-level listening. Even here, the bass re ex port is on the front panel for
freedom in positioning. Although this is a large speaker, with a considerable
expanse of wood panels, it is surprisingly inert and silent because of the special
rib structure inside. The result is a low-coloration, very poised loudspeaker,
even when asked to work hard.
The crossover network is isolated from the very potent in uences of pressure
and vibration inside the enclosures of the  oorstanding Suite models. In
fact, it has been removed from the bass chamber altogether, to a separate
compartment, where it cannot be disturbed. All crossover networks are hand
assembled and hard-wired, eschewing the use of printed circuit boards.
Many home cinema enthusiasts consider the center speaker the most important
one in the surround system. A very large part of essential information goes to
the center channel, and today, the signal is often overwhelming, with lots of
bass energy and violent dynamics. The Suite center channel speakers are made
with these demands in mind, and they are admirably suited to do their job. All
driver units are magnetically shielded, of course. To blend seamlessly with the
main speakers, the drive units are almost similar, only the woofers are modi ed
slightly to match the smaller enclosures.
The C0.7 features twin 5" woofer/
midranges and a 1" soft dome tweeter. The
woofers work together into a re ex
enclosure with twin ports on the front
panel. Voices are reproduced clearly
and openly, while transients emerge
with power and snap.
The C0.8 has twin 6.5" woofer/midranges and a 1" soft dome tweeter, and
no less than four re ex ports contribute to the very convincing way of handling
deep bass that is a characteristic of a large speaker. Speech intelligibility is
excellent, and effects sounds are impressive and powerful.
No series of loudspeakers build to perform
surround sound is complete without a
subwoofer. The Suite S1.2 is just that, and a
very impressive one to boot. To begin with, it
is not all that common to  nd a high-power
12" woofer in a sub, and a sealed enclosure
is even less common. The Suite 1.2 is sealed
because a sealed woofer has the best
precision and transients and the best pitch
de nition. But only if the driving ampli er is
suf ciently powerful does a sealed sub really
kick, in the physical sense. The 200 watt
ampli er of the S1.2 is very powerful, and
the purpose-built 12" woofer is made for
deep bass. Because there is no bass re ex
port, there are no problems with "chuf ng"
wind noise from the port. Partly because of
this, partly because the tendency to boom
is not nearly as evident in a sealed sub, you
are free to place the S1.2 almost anywhere,
even close to the listening position. Controls
include Auto Stand-by, Volume, 0º and 180º
phase switch, Crossover frequency, LFE input
and Adjustable low pass  lter on line inputs.
All phono sockets are gold-plated for long-
term stable contact.
The C0.8 has twin 6.5" woofer/midranges and a 1" soft dome tweeter, and