
Product Reference Guide 295
Appendix F
Scancode Tables
Control Character Emulation
Control character emulation selects from different scancode tables as listed in this appen-
dix. Each of the control character sets below are detailed by interface type in the tables.
These apply to Wedge and USB Keyboard platforms.
Control Character 00 —
Characters from 00 to 0x1F are sent as control character
Ctrl+Keys, special keys are located from 0x80 to 0xA1.
Control Character 01 —
Characters from 00 to 0x1F are sent as control character
Ctrl+Capital Key, special keys are located from 0x80 to 0xA1.
Control Character 02 —
Special keys are located from 00 to 0x1F and characters from
0x80 to 0xFE are intended as an extended ASCII table (Microsoft Windows Codepage
1252 — see page 304).