E-3202 Printer 7
3.3 Media Configuration
The printer is equipped with a paper and label edge detector. The
printer’s standard configuration is ‘Paper’ media. If you wish to use
label media in your printer you will have to change the default settings:
Note: See section 4.1 for button and indicator functions.
1. Make sure that a roll of paper is loaded (not label). Turn the printer
off by holding down the left button until both lights are off.
2. Simultaneously press both buttons for at least two seconds. The
printer’s configuration is printed.
3. Answer Yes to modify the default setting
4. Answer No until you reach the Media section (press No 4 four
times). Press Yes when Media is printed to enter that section.
5. Press No if ‘Paper’ is printed to change to ‘Labels’. When ‘Labels’
is printed press Yes.
6. Press No to skip the next section
7. Press Yes to save your modification. Your printer is now On Line
and ready for label media to be loaded.
Warning: If your printer is configured for labels and if you have loaded
paper, the label edge sensor will not detect the end of a label
and will feed the paper endlessly. Unplug your printer to
stop it. To correct this problem repeat the steps above and
set the printer to ‘Paper’.