E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual 145
Appendix N
UPC-A and EAN-13: Variable Price and Weight Bar Code
The EAN/UPC standard allows for an additional checksum to be generated in the middle of the bar code
based on the data. This is used when the price or weight of an item is embedded into the bar code data
(commonly used in the food industry).
For the printer to generate this checksum, a ‘V’ must be placed in the data stream in the position the
checksum is requested. If the ‘V’ is placed in the 6th position for UPC-A or the 7th position for EAN-13,
a checksum will be generated using the next five digits in the data stream. If the ‘V’ is placed in the 7th
position for UPC-A or the 8th position for EAN-13, a checksum will be generated using the next four
digits in the data stream. The checksum is generated per the EAN/UPC bar code standard.
This record format prints a UPC-A bar code with the variable price checksum in the sixth position.
This record format prints a UPC-A bar code with the variable price checksum in the seventh position.
This record format prints an EAN-13 bar code with the variable price checksum in the seventh position.
This record format prints an EAN-13 bar code with the variable price checksum in the eighth position.