Disconnecting Universal TV Photo Show.................................................................5-6
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting .................................................... 6-1
My photos didn’t appear after I connected everything.................................... 6-1
The video cable doesn’t fit/My TV doesn’t have an RCA video jack.............. 6-2
The remote doesn’t seem to be working............................................................... 6-2
The unit is saying that my card is “unreadable.”.................................................. 6-3
Some of my photos didn’t show up........................................................................ 6-3
Photos are loading very slowly .................................................................................6-4
The slide show feature doesn’t work........................................................................6-4
I know I have more than 12 photos on my card but I can’t find them............ 6-4
I’ve mistakenly deleted a photo from my memory card ................................... 6-5
Thumbnail and photo rotations aren’t being saved .......................................... 6-5
The Windows 98 driver won’t install………………… ...…………………………….. 6-5
The removable drive feature isn’t working………………………………….…..…..6-6
I deleted the “imageinfo.db” file, what does this mean?.................................. 6-6
Chapter 7: Dazzle Technical Support .................................... 7-1