It is our pleasure to offer assistance if you have any questions
regarding your StudioMonitors or their set-up. Please contact your
nearest Definitive Technology dealer or contact us directly at
410-363-7148 or www.definitivetech.com.
Technical Assistance
Service and warranty work on your Definitive loudspeakers will
normally be performed by the Definitive Technology dealer from
whom you have purchased your loudspeakers. If, however, you wish
to return the speaker to us, please contact us first, describing the prob-
lem and requesting authorization as well as the location of the nearest
factory service center.
Please note that the address given in this
booklet is the address of our offices only. Under no circumstances
should loudspeakers be shipped to our offices or returned without
contacting us first and obtaining return authorization.
Definitive Technology Offices
11433 Cronridge Drive
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
Phone: 410-363-7148
Dolby Digital and Dolby ProLogic systems and decoders have a critical channel balancing
procedure for the left and right front speakers, center channel, rears and subwoofer (if it is hooked
up through the LFE or Sub Out low level connection) which must be followed if the system is to
perform properly. We have spoken with many system users with problems relating to the overall
sound of their system which could be clearly traced back to improper system balance.
Also note that Dolby Digital decoders have bass management systems (systems which direct the
bass to the various channels) which vary from unit to unit. This bass management system must
also be properly adjusted. If your StudioMonitor is hooked up with speaker level wires and you
are using a separate a subwoofer, your receiver or decoder’s bass management system should be
set for “Small
” left and right main speakers and “Yes” subwoofer. If you have a PowerMonitor,
C/L/R 2300, C/L/R 2500, or C/L/R 3000 center channel, you will usually set your decoder’s bass
management center channel setting to “Large” (however, don’t be afraid to experiment). If not,
set it to “Small
.” If you are using rear surround speakers with very extended low frequency
response set the rear channels of your decoder’s bass management system to “Large.
” If not, set
them to “Small
.” If you are using StudioMonitors without a separate subwoofer, set bass manage-
ment to “Large
” left and right main speakers and “No” subwoofer
(Also, do not be afraid to
experiment.) Remember, whatever sounds best to you is correct.
Visit us at www.definitivetech.com