Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide
file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]
Aspect Ratio
(for E1913 and E2213
Adjusts the image ratio as Wide 16:10, 4:3, or 5:4.
NOTE: Wide 16:10 adjustment is not required at maximum preset resolution 1440 x 900 (for E1913) or 1680 x 1050 (for E2213) .
Horizontal Position
Use the or buttons to adjust image left and right. Minimum is '0' (-). Maximum is '100' (+).
Vertical Position
Use the
or buttons to adjust image up and down. Minimum is '0' (-). Maximum is '100' (+).
This feature can make the image look sharper or softer. Use
or to adjust the sharpness from '0' to '100'.
Pixel Clock
The Phase and Pixel Clock adjustments allow you to adjust your monitor to your preference. Use
or buttons to adjust for best image
If satisfactory results are not obtained using the Phase adjustment, use the Pixel Clock (coarse) adjustment and then use Phase (fine),
NOTE: Horizontal Position, Vertical Position, Pixel Clock and Phase adjustment are only available for VGA input.
Reset Display
Select this option to restore default display settings.